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Covingham Park Primary School

Caring for Pupils, Promoting Success

Meet Our Governors

About the Governing Body


The Covingham Park Primary School Local Governing Body is made up of representatives from the community, parents and members of staff.  Collectively, our Governors have a wealth of expertise and their aim is to support Mrs Polley, Mrs Crabbe and the staff.  Ultimately, their goal is to improve standards and ensure the school continues to be a happy and safe place for the pupils to learn. All of our governors are voting members.


Governors are appointed as follows:

Staff Governors are elected by fellow members of staff

Parent Governors can be elected by fellow parents or the governing body

Co-opted Governors are elected by the governing body

The term of office of each governor is 4 years. This is renewable.

Mr Ray Williams - Chair of Governors


Mrs Polley and Mrs Crabbe attend all meetings.


Contacting the Governors

Comments and requests should be made in writing, via the School Office, marked FAO:  Clerk to the Governing Body. Email
