Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Covingham Park Primary School

Welcome to Covingham Park Primary School

I feel privileged to be the Head Teacher of Covingham Park Primary School: a good school that puts the success and wellbeing of our pupils at the heart of all we do.

Our key mission is: 'Caring for Pupils, Promoting Success' and our vision is to provide every child with an outstanding education which equips them with the necessary skills to meet changes and challenges throughout their life.

At Covingham Park, we are a hardworking community with high aspirations. Children are encouraged and guided to achieve their very best through developing skills related to our school 'drivers' of:

INDEPENDENCE         We take responsibility for our choices.

ASPIRATION                We strive to be the best that we can be. 

ENQUIRY                      We actively participate in learning.

COMMUNITY               We are kind and respectful to people and property.

We aim to work closely with parents, carers and members of our local community for the benefit of all our pupils.

All members of staff and all governors are committed to providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for our children within a supportive, caring and safe environment. We are committed to equal opportunities and work well with our local cluster of schools to provide support for pupils.

We are very lucky to have a committed group of parent/carer helpers, ‘The Friends of Covingham Park Primary School’, who provide a range of support for our pupils both within the classroom and beyond. Members of our school community and visitors comment on our welcoming environment and how well our pupils act as ambassadors for our school and for school improvement. Some of our children’s achievements to date include securing grants for travel plans and improving our grounds as well as raising money for the local and national communities. Alongside academic achievements, we are proud of our pupils’ sporting, dance, music and cultural achievements.

Please take some time to explore our website. If you would like to know more, contact us through the school office or by emailing either myself or our business manager, Mrs Cressida Bacon on admin@cpps.swindon.sch.uk. Alternatively, why not contact our school office and arrange to come and visit us, meet us and look around? 

Mrs J Andrews 

Head Teacher