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Welcome To Our New Website!
Covingham Park Primary School


History Intent

At Covingham Park Primary School we seek to inspire our students by bringing history to life as well as making it accessible and exciting to all. We want our children to see history not just as a series of dates and facts, but as a dynamic story that influences their present and future. Curiosity is at the heart of our history curriculum as we encourage our students to develop their inquiry skills, so they become independent thinkers who are eager to discover more about the world around them. Through this knowledge comes an understanding of the complexities and hardships of the past which then nurtures resilience in our students, showing them the importance of perseverance and adaptability in overcoming obstacles.

History Implementation

At Covingham children are taught that history is the process of enquiry (searching for evidence, evaluating evidence, interpretation and weighing of different sorts of evidence). They are taught to use imaginative reconstruction – evidence is nearly always incomplete and calls for interpretation, speculation and hypothesising. They have chances to describe and explain the past based on a hypothesis reached through examination of evidence, NOT presenting the past as a series of facts or uncontested truths.

At Covingham Park we have taken a cross curricular approach to our teaching of the humanities  (Geography and History). We are linking our geography and history skills in thematic studies that span the whole year rather than focusing on them in intense termly studies. This will enable the children to broaden their understanding of these skills and deepen their understanding of our past and the world around us. Below is an overview of the progression of skills to be taught throughout each key stage and each year group.