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Welcome To Our New Website!
Covingham Park Primary School

Helping Your Child With Spelling

Dear Parents/ Carers,

 As you know, the National Curriculum has changed and the expectations for the end of the Key stage have also changed to be in line with the new curriculum. Therefore, we have decided to adapt the way in which we teach spelling, and the expectations regarding spelling homework spelling assessment.

 All children in Key Stage 2 will have a discrete spelling lesson where they will investigate spelling patterns and rules. These rules and patterns will be revisited throughout the week in and linked to reading, grammar handwriting and topic lessons. Children will still have spellings for homework, but this may come in the form of a rule or investigation, as opposed to a list.

Children may be expected to investigate spelling rules or complete other activities related to the rule and will be tested on their understanding and application of the rule, as opposed to a list of spellings.

These changes are to ensure they children have a greater understanding of spelling and are able to apply this understanding of spelling to their independent work.

Children will also be given a list of words that they will be expected to learn and know- their NON NEGOTIABLE SPELLINGS. They will take responsibility for editing their own work in accordance to this list of words.

Mrs. Crabbe