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Covingham Park Primary School

Religion and World Views


At CPPS, we want our pupils to be curious about Religion and Worldviews to encourage them to be respectful and open-minded towards other with faiths and beliefs that might differ from their own. We strive to inspire our pupils to ask significant and highly reflective questions about various religious and non-religious beliefs whilst helping them to discover and reflect on what they want to believe in. We want pupils to build resilience whilst exploring multiple religious and view-based ideas, to appreciate and celebrate the diversity in our school and the multi-cultural world in which we live. Our Religion and Worldviews curriculum is interwoven and supplemented by the Swindon RE syllabus, Humanism UK and The British Values. 


  • At Covingham Park Primary School, RWV is taught in weekly lessons.
  • We have chosen to use the Swindon Agreed syllabus as the principle aim of this curriculum ‘is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own’.
  • From the agreed syllabus we have chosen to teach the following religions as these represent our school community as well as adding to our diversity:
    - EYFS/KS1- Multiple religions including Christianity and Islam
    - KS2- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and non-religious beliefs such as Humanism.
  • SEN pupils are supported through differentiated adult support and the use of supportive images, resources and artefacts.
  • Our children regularly visit the local Church to support their learning of the Christian faith and to celebrate festivals.
  • Although we teach our children these different faiths, beliefs and worldviews, we aim for our children to be reflective in their own beliefs and encourage them to develop these throughout their time with us at Covingham Park Primary School.


We believe high quality learning in RWV has been achieved when pupils extend their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews and can offer their own thoughtful and informed insights whilst reflecting on their own beliefs. They can also explore ultimate questions of beliefs and values in relation to a range of contemporary issues in an ever-changing society.

This will be evident through pupil’s engagement in lessons, sharing and talking enthusiastically about different faiths and views and when they demonstrate tolerance towards others who are different to themselves. Class workbooks will provide evidence of children’s learning and teachers will make assessments at the end of each unit.

The impact of our RWV curriculum will be overseen by Miss Davis (the subject leader) through learning walks, team teaching, book looks, pupil and staff voice, planning feedback, and ongoing data analysis.

Our leader for RWV is Miss Stacey Davis. If you would like to know more about RE teaching, please ask at the school office. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons if they wish.

RE Teaching and Learning