About the Governing Body
The Covingham Park Primary School Local Governing Body is made up of representatives from the community, parents and members of staff. Collectively, our Governors have a wealth of expertise and their aim is to support Mrs Andrews and the staff. Ultimately, their goal is to improve standards and ensure the school continues to be a happy and safe place for the pupils to learn. All of our governors are voting members.
Governors are appointed as follows:
Staff Governors are elected by fellow members of staff
Parent Governors can be elected by fellow parents or the governing body
Co-opted Governors are elected by the governing body
The term of office of each governor is 4 years. This is renewable.
Mr Ray Williams - Chair of Governors
Mrs Andrews attends all meetings.
Contacting the Governors
Comments and requests should be made in writing, via the School Office, marked FAO: Clerk to the Governing Body.
Email clerk@covinghampark.bluekitetrust.org