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Welcome To Our New Website!
Covingham Park Primary School


Curriculum Statement

Caring for Pupils, Promoting Success

We strongly believe that all children’s achievements are valued and celebrated; we also believe that children’s well-being is paramount in ensuring they are ready to learn and succeed in the classroom and beyond.

We implement a knowledge – engaged approach to learning, through subject led themes; rooted in our School Drivers of: Aspiration, Independence, Community and Enquiry.

As a team, we know children well, invest resources in developing their emotional well-being and appreciate the value of experiences such as visits, visitors, sporting and community events. We are a welcoming, ‘happy, harmonious’ school where staff care for children.

We are also a proactive school where staff are forward thinking and always looking at ways to improve the curriculum we offer to ensure children’s success. Our curriculum is responsive to the needs of our children, helping prepare them for the next stage of their education.

Knowledgeable subject leaders are responsible for designing their area of the curriculum to support staff to plan and deliver planned progression and develop our four school drivers of:

  • Aspiration
  • Independence
  • Community
  • Enquiry

We know the importance of planned progression in individual subjects as well as making meaningful links between different areas for the curriculum. To enable effective links between English and other areas of the curriculum, our learning is divided into 6 main themes, led by the humanities and focusing on DT and Art and Design where the links make learning memorable for children.  Children have the opportunity to study subjects in depth as well as revisiting the skills and knowledge throughout the year and Key stage. We believe this approach is particularly important because, as part of our 'recovery curriculum' we want opportunities for repetition, revisiting and building on prior learning. Class teachers bring learning alive for children, translating plans into meaningful, memorable learning. 

Our maths curriculum focuses on the basic skills, alongside maths themes. 

For further information on our curriculum, please look at our plans under each subject area and at topic overviews on class pages. You can also contact your child's class teacher for more detailed information. 

In planning learning opportunities, we ensure all children are able to access the learning and activities. Please see section on SEND for more information, or contact our SENDco.